Once I see a red flag when looking at a case it’s hard for me to get it out of my head.
And the thing is, investors share concerns with each other. Once a flag is raised, it will spread to others.
I’ve been working on this list for quite some time. It started as an MVP on LinkedIn. I asked people to comment on a post to get a list of 13 red flags. I know, a typical marketing trick. But bear with me. 🙂
It was actually part of an A/B test to see what downloadable resource I should provide on the site. The other alternative was “questions your investor will ask you”. The red flags generated more interest, so I’ve put considerable effort into compiling this document.
And now I’m sharing it with you as you already are a subscriber. Later it will be available on the site for new subscribers.
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Next, I’m thinking of creating more content based on the flags and going into more depth on some of them. If you think it’s a good idea, then reply to this email and let me know which ones you are most interested in.
A tip to increase your LTV for a customer
In the previous edition of this newsletter, I wrote about how to look at Life Time Value. I asked for your best tips on how to increase LTV. And I got a great one from David!
Make sure to include inflation in your contract pricing. You can tie it to CPI (Consumer Price Index) in your contracts.
It was a long time since inflation mattered in our economy, but with it being around 10% right now, or higher in some countries, it does matter for your bottom line.